Prizm Content Connect
PCC Imaging Services (PCCIS) Configuration Options

The PCCIS service can be configured using the pcc.config file for both Windows and Linux. The parameters can be configured for the following services:

The configuration file will perform environment variable expansion. The environment variable must be enclosed with the % character and must contain upper or lowercase letters or an underscore. For example, %ALLUSERSPROFILE% or %my_path%.

Windows & Linux

Main PCCIS Service

The following options are available for configuration within the PCCIS pcc.config file:

Parameter Name Parameter Value Description
  • Windows:


  • Linux:


Document files will be stored here. If this location is on a network, make sure the PrizmService is running under a network account. If this location is on a network, do not pass a mapped drive path, instead pass an absolute path, for example: \\computername\file.pdf
  • Windows:


  • Linux:


Group state location. Persistent data that spans all running instances will be stored here. If this location is on a network, make sure the PrizmService is running under a network account. If this location is on a network, do not pass a mapped drive path, instead pass an absolute path, for example: \\computername\file.pdf
  • Windows:


  • Linux:


A temporary location on the machine. This will be accessed temporarily for caching purposes. Make sure that this directory has user access read/write permissions.

WebServiceScheme http This value must be http.
WebServiceHost localhost The name of the server where proxy server is installed. This is typically localhost.
WebServicePort 18680 The port number proxy server is listening on. The default is 18680.
ConversionServiceScheme http This value must be http.
ConversionServiceHost localhost The name of the server where conversion service is installed. This is typically localhost. Conversion service must be running on the same server as PCCIS.
ConversionServicePort 18681 The port number conversion service is listening on. The default is 18681.
ConversionServicePath Convert/V1 The relative URL path for the conversion service. The default is Convert/V1.



This option allows you to configure the amount of time that a viewing session is valid. It should be an integer, followed by one of the letters "s", "m", "h" or "d", which stand for seconds, minutes, hours and days respectively. The suggested value is "20m" (20 minutes).

Viewing sessions will expire soon after this time period and PCCIS will begin returning HTTP 403 (Forbidden) errors.

PCCIS will log the value that you provide for this setting when it starts up.



This option allows you to configure the amount of time that files will remain cached on the server. It should be an integer, followed by one of the letters "s", "m", "h" or "d", which stand for seconds, minutes, hours and days respectively. The suggested value is "1d" (1 day).

Cached files improve system speed when multiple users are viewing the same document. PCCIS includes various tests to verify that a user cannot use the cache to see information that they should not see. For example, a user viewing a cached, password-protected document will not receive the cached files unless they provide the same password.

Files will be deleted from the server soon after this time period elapses and will be automatically regenerated when needed. The time period begins when the related viewing session expires.

PCCIS will log the value that you provide for this setting when it starts up.

ViewingSessionIdEncryptionKey E9rU73lZ2vd0he8Ls/hD8A== The AES encryption key used to encrypt external viewing session IDs. The value specified here should be a standard Base64 encoded string value of the original key byte array. Supported AES key sizes are: 128, 192 and 256 bits.
ViewingSessionIdEncryptionIv jTN2XBjybtfA2fpsv6mylQ== The AES encryption initialization vector (iv) used to encrypt external viewing session IDs. The value specified here should be a standard Base64 encoded string value of the original iv byte array. Supported AES iv size is 128 bits.
ViewingSessionPropertyExternalId .* The regular expression check on ViewingSessionProperties.externalId to ensure appropriate values are being set.
ViewingSessionPropertyDocumentExtension .* The regular expression check on ViewingSessionProperties.documentExtension to ensure appropriate values are being set.
ViewingSessionPropertyCountOfInitalPages Minimum = 0, Maximum = 10 The minimum and maximum values allowed for CountOfInitialPages.

Minimum = 100, Maximum = 300

Default = 150

 The minimum and maximum values allowed for rendering DPI.

True, False or Any

Default = False

The permitted values for alwaysUseRaster can be True, False, or Any.

None, Full, or Any

Default = Any

 The permitted values for serverCaching can be None, Full or Any (which means take whatever is set).

Conversion Service

The following options are available for configuration within the PCCIS pcc.config file:

Parameter Name Parameter Value Description
  • Windows:


  • Linux:


The Conversion Service path for the application that converts PDF to another format. 
PdfConvertApplication pdftocairo The PDF Conversion Application Name.
PdfInformationApplication pdfinfo The PDF Information Service Application Name.
  • Windows:


  • Linux:


The temporary directory for converting PDF to SVG and then post processing the SVG output.
  • Windows:


  • Linux:


The Post Process Application Path.
SvgOptimizeApplication SvgPostProcessor The Post Processor Application Name.
UseSvgOptimizer True Enable or disable SVG Post Processing. The value of True enables the post process.



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